Wednesday, December 15, 2010

End of the Year Rally

The holiday season is a wonderful time to relax with friends and family and reflect on what matters most in our life: consumer goods. Well, not exactly. Tangible gifts do not, or at least should not, trump the feelings we have for those important in our lives. However, as the movie Blow (so appropriately) states "Its nice to have nice things, George." I digress.

Kells and I decided to forgo our usual Christmas tradition of spending large amounts of time and money finding the perfect products that the other would not purchase for them self. Instead, we decided to invest in a new computer. In 2002, while speaking in Nashville, Tennessee our former President, George W. Bush, uttered the famous line "fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again." Now, there are not many words of his that I would consider applicable to my life, but when it came time to spend our money on a new computer I knew we were not going to be fooled again. We decided to purchase an iMac and Apple Time Capsule; we accepted the free wireless printer the Apple store gave us for agreeing to spend a premium on a superior product.

We were able to set up the iMac, Time Capsule, printer, and link every device with a wireless card that we own to each other in 1 hour. I am now a believer. The grass is greener, faster, and not subject to nearly as many viruses.

There have been a few hiccups since our last post. Specifically, our good friend Jordan (referred to as White Shrek from here on) found a way to break his ankle into 3 pieces while sledding. He is truly talented at all forms of disaster. Luckily, the surgery went well and he should be back on his feet subsequent to sledding season. As such, White Shrek is laid up and unable to do much other than consume medication, watch bootleg movies, and plan various ways for me to drown next summer. Some friends helped put up holiday decorations at the floating home he and his girlfriend (Hillary) rent, complete with Charlie Brown tree. My contribution was the star, which I made out of a craft-brew 12 pack container.

In more pleasant, and undoubtedly more important, medical news; Kellie and I had our first appointment with the OB GYN or as I like to call her "Baby Doctor." Kells and I answered questions related to our genetic make-up, deduced that the baby will be born around August 5th, and the Baby Doctor performed an ultrasound. Pictures of a future Jai Alai superstar, to be named at a later date, are included on the right.
