Saturday, November 27, 2010

Perfect Timing

The day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday as a result of the consumer culture we live in. Ray and I avoid shopping malls at all costs because we are not crazy people. However, that is not to say that we do not support the local economy in a big way. On Friday, after Ray got off work we decided to do some car shopping.

Earlier in the week, Downtown Seattle was hit with about 4 inches of snow. Now, most cities would have no problem at all managing such a minimal amount of frozen precipitation, but Seattle is not like most cities. It may seem like a knee-jerk reaction to purchase a car based upon a single occurrence of inclimate weather, but we have learned that you cannot rely on the City of Seattle to take any action whatsoever to manage snowfall.

We did quite a bit of research on-line about all of the promotional specials that many of the car companies are nice enough to provide. Specifically, nearly every major automobile manufacturer is offering close to 0% financing for 5 years to those with excellent credit. Ray read countless reviews on customer satisfaction, resale value, and overall performance. I provided insight into the aesthetics of our future vehicle. Together we decided on a 2011 Volkswagen Tiguan.

Once we got to the dealer, I learned that Ray's definition of 'negotiating' with a car dealer is to stare at him and act completely miserable until said dealer provides an option that we like. This took a while. To pass the time during one of the many hours spent while at the car dealer, I turned to Ray and said something absolutely ridiculous: "Wouldn't it be ironic if I found out I was pregnant right after we bought this car?" He laughed. I warned him it was a possibility despite the fact that I've taken two pregnancy tests over the past week and a half and they both have been negative. (Note: both tests were taken from the hospital where I work). Our conversations changed from topic to topic, we bought an awesome car, we went home. An hour after we bought our car, out of curiousity, I took a store bought pregnancy test. The Result?

Pregnant. Yep. No kidding.

And so it begins. As much as we love our friends and family members that have Facebook accounts, we've chosen to document my pregnancy and our future child-to-be through a blog rather than via Facebook. We have many acquaintances that we are sure would rather not hear about our personal trials and tribulations with pregnancy, childbirth, and first time parenting. However, Ray and I live far away from many of our close friends and family, and would like to be able to share this joyous time with anyone who wants to share with us. Rather than repeating ourselves by way of status updates, email, tweets, and phone calls; we believe this site will allow us the opportunity to update everyone on what we believe to be note-worthy moments in our new lives.

Thank you for sharing and welcome to the next phase of our lives.


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