Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So it's getting pretty uncomfortable by now. Ray is being such a good sport about all of this...I don't know what I would do without him! As if my woes were not enough, Murphey is mystereously injured. We are not sure if it is a sprain, strain, or pinched nerve. Even on his pain medications, Ray has to carry him up the stairs. It's quite the chore given the 50 million stairs in our house.

Enough about the mutt...

So I went to the doctor today. My uterus is still a couple weeks larger than it should be, the baby most likely weighs six pounds, it's butt feels remarkably similar to it's head because the doctor wasn't sure if s/he is head down or breech. I think that's the extent of the exciting stuff. I can't wait for this baby to emerge...I feel like it has officially taken over my body, and I am losing control of everything more and more each day.

On a lighter note, I've had about as awesome of a birthday as possible. I feel truly loved by my family and friends. Given my recent state of irritability, I am not sure why they have been so nice and generous with all my gifts. For example, the dogs even defied logic by getting me an iPad for my birthday! I am officially hooked. They corroborated with Ray to get this for me, so I can keep in touch and entertained while in the hospital. So unexpected, but AWESOME! Thank you, Lovies.

I'll try to do a better job updating this more frequently, so all y'all back home can stay current if you so choose. I love and miss you all so much.


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