Monday, July 11, 2011

3 weeks left, a healthy household, and the wisdom of B.I.G

At the time of our last post we had a dog that could not walk stairs (our home has 50+ stairs), Kellie was feeling the wrath that is 8 months of pregnancy, and work was requiring a lot of time and energy from me.

I sometimes refer to our family as "my team" and Team RPTre was not looking so good. When I asked Kellie how things were, her response was "Your team sucks right now." I reminded her that I had a 5 star recruit on the way, and while that seemed to bring a smile to her face, it did not eliminate any of the stress filled events in our lives.

However, we kept a positive attitude and our situation has improved. Not only can Murphey climb steps again, he is right back to his old ways of seat stealing.

More importantly, Kellie seems to be feeling as good as can be expected. We start seeing the baby doctor weekly after our appointment today. So far, all of the news we have received has been positive and "normal," so we will hope for more of that.

Jordan and Hillary threw us a couples baby shower, and we were amazed at the generosity of  our friends in Seattle. Our little one really made out like a proverbial bandit with loads of toys, diapers, books, and a hooded bath towel that resembles a dragon. Hillary even managed to find good barbecue in Seattle for the shower/cookout, which is an accomplishment that Kellie and I have been unable to achieve in two years of living here.

Overall, life seems to be going really well. As Kellie noted in her previous post, we celebrated her birthday in late June. Coincidentally, on the day of Kellie's birthday a newly opened restaurant downtown decided to grace the sidewalks of the Emerald City with a quote from a Notorious B.I.G song. While this may not apply to everyone (read: anyone) the concept that there are going to be good days and there are going to be less than good days, but if you work hard and keep your head up you will have more good days than bad days does apply to us all.

I hope everyone reading is able to drink champagne when you are thirsty.


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