Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Parenthood: Day 1

We had our weekly doctor's appointment yesterday, and our doctor gave us the option to be induced early due to the size of our baby. Once this option was introduced I knew that there was no way Kellie was going to pass up the chance to be done with this pregnancy. In addition to the size of the child, by inducing last night we almost guaranteed the doctor we were most familiar with delivering our first child.

I got home from work around 6:30 and we gathered what was needed for our hospital stay, took care of the dogs, grabbed a nice meal, and headed to Swedish Medical Center. We checked into triage, and were greeted by a team of genuinely nice nurses who took us to our suite. The room was really quite nice. Our nurse, Rachel, got Kellie set up on an IV and we enjoyed several episodes of Family Guy to take our minds off the upcoming responsibility of raising another human being. I like to think it was an omen of good things to come that the Peanut Butter Jelly Time episode of Family Guy was the last thing we watched before we went to sleep. I find it impossible not to be in a good mood after watching that.

I woke up around 5:00 AM to participate in a conference call for a client. In my defense, at the time I got on the call we were told we probably still had several hours as Kellie was not dilated yet and our doctor would not be in until 8:00 AM. I stepped out at 5:30 AM, called in, put the call on mute, and listened. About 6:00 AM Rachel let me know that they were going to run some standard tests on Kellie to see if she was any further along in case I wanted to be present. Since my call was on mute I decided to go back in the room. Turns out that Kellie was now dilated 6CM. I quickly hit the big red END button on my iPhone screen, shut off the laptop and got ready to meet our first child.

Kellie had mentioned that she was in a lot of pain. Our nurse team asked if she wanted an epidural. Kellie quickly answered yes. By this time the on-call doctor was checking Kellie's dilation and in the last 3 minutes she had become fully dilated. I will never forget what Rachel (our RN) said: "Let's forget about an epidural, what do you say we have this baby." I remember thinking "this is our nightmare." However, Kellie was awesome, the nurse team was awesome, the doctor was awesome, and thirty five very intense minutes later we had a beautiful baby boy.

Edison James Pryor entered this world at 6:40 AM weighing 8 pounds and 3 ounces. EJ got to spend the first several minutes of his life bonding with his mom. I was lucky enough to hang out with the little guy for the rest of the morning. Here are some things that I have learned about my son so far:

1. Hospitals do not like it when you walk around the halls with newborn babies. Apparently, if you walk a newborn by a elevator people assume you are in the business of stealing babies. I of course am not.

2. He really seems to like the Wu-tang Clan. We listened to half of the Wugazi mash-up together and he likes it almost as much as me. Almost.

3. The NFL lockout ended yesterday, and my kid doesn't seem to care too much about Matt Hasselback's future. This puts him in the same bucket as roughly 50% of Seahawks fans.

4. He shares a birthday with one of our favorite people, Brian Wire. Happy Birthday to you too, B.

We are super excited to introduce this kid to the world. We expect to leave the hospital tomorrow, and we will see just how prepared Kellie and I really are.


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